
I just peeped how Franklin asked Big Deon about other plugs like the Mexicans and the Colombians. If franklin got all his money took why didn’t he just do business with the known plugs that was around? Some may argue about the delroy situation but that was long gone and i’m 100% sure the Mexicans and Colombians knew who franklin was while being the #1 distributor of rock cocaine. Not to mention he still had those bricks of cocaine that was never sold that he kept in the warehouse he owned. The writers of the show left a lot of questionable things that we can talk about. I’m not saying what they wrote was terrible but if i’m a kingpin and i hit rock bottom i’m gonna branch out to other people around me to get my business back like anyone else would do. The greed perspective of him wasn’t bad but they made it seem like he ran out of options when in reality he had more things he could’ve done to be in a better situation than what they gave us.

I just peeped how Franklin asked Big Deon about other plugs like the Mexicans and the Colombians. If franklin got all his money took why didn’t he just do business with the known plugs that was around? Some may argue about the delroy situation but that was long gone and i’m 100% sure the Mexicans and Colombians knew who franklin was while being the #1 distributor of rock cocaine. Not to mention he still had those bricks of cocaine that was never sold that he kept in the warehouse he owned. The writers of the show left a lot of questionable things that we can talk about. I’m not saying what they wrote was terrible but if i’m a kingpin and i hit rock bottom i’m gonna branch out to other people around me to get my business back like anyone else would do. The greed perspective of him wasn’t bad but they made it seem like he ran out of options when in reality he had more things he could’ve done to be in a better situation than what they gave us.