I got the deal of a lifetime on an optiplex.

A few months ago I was out yard-saleing, when I stopped in at one with nobody there. I started digging around, and there was some great stuff. Old radios, camcorders, film rolls, all kinds of awesome stuff. I started finding some minor pc parts laying around, but nothing too special(stiuff like old ethernet cards and other junk). I started talking to the guy, and ask if he had any full pcs he would sell. He said his son had one that he was trying to sell on marketplace, but he didn't know how much his son wanted for it. I told him ok, if he finds out the price, to tell me. He text his son but got no response, but went in the house and got it anyways. I was expecting a custom built gaming pc but he brought out what appeared to be a stock optiplex 5040. I thought "oh well, still a optiplex, I will give him $20 for it". We negotiated some and got down to 8 usd. So I loaded it up thinking I got a great deal on a stock optiplex, but that was just the start. I got home and started looking around in it and noticed that it wasn't totally stock just by the gpu. I plugged it in, did a fresh install of windows because it had a password on it, and made the discovery of a lifetime. RX 6400, I7 6700, and 32GB DDR3! I know its not a top of the line gaming pc, but for $8 it was a steal! It has been my daily driver since I got it, and its been awesome! I still wonder what that guys son said when his dad told him he sold it for $8......Oh well, I got a good deal!