Update: Taking the plunge with GeForce Now

For those who saw my previously linked post asking if it’s worth playing through GeForce Now, I’ve come back to provide feedback for anyone else like me who’s been lurking this subreddit for a while

It absolutely is!!!

I referenced an Xbox sale for S&B in my original post, unfortunately GeForce now isn’t offering cloud streaming via Xbox purchased games not already on GamePass Cloud, so I purchased the game through Steam, I tried running GeForce in browser on my Xbox and unfortunately due to recent updates to Microsoft edge, GeForce now wont run off of Xbox’s native browser, however my fossilized Dell All in One PC has been able to stream the game perfectly and if you can dig up and older PC running a minimum of Windows 10 the GeForce Now app will run smoothly

Brief Review:

After messing with the in game settings I’ve managed to play with minimal lag issues, which only showed up around high NPC area’s, (fair enough) I can set most of the graphics to high or medium quality, the gameplay is incredibly satisfying, if you’re willing to purchase this game on Steam and then an additional subscription to GeForce Now, chances are you’re already committed to wanting to like this game, and as far as personal feelings go it’s my new favorite game in my library I’ll be sinking many hours into