Same issues each season
Okay, so I enjoy the hell out of this game, the combat is so fun, taking on convoys, plundering etc Its great... But, the social aspect is whats struggling for me. So primarily I play solo, and when I try to group up, no one is interested, of course maybe theyre just not social people. Clan system has been needed since the start. However.... this 'Call for Help' system just doesnt work in my experience after the first couple of weeks of a new season. Im someone who yes have done all the bosses, got the cosmetics and theres not much if anything I can think of that I havent gotten, but I try the Call for Help for Boss Fights just to make it abit less tedious and less of a sweat fest... Lets face it some bosses are very hard solo. I genuinely think this game needs a queue system that reaches the entire games playerbase, not just the current server youre in. I feel we should be able queue for the Boss Fights, and the convoys if you wanted to. Also behind this system you can add 6 player raids that include boss fights and maybe even a plunder at the end. Also 'Voyages' think of voyages as the dungeon equivalent from other MMOs. They could put so much behind a queue system and people wouldnt need to sit calling for help and switching servers if they get none. Just my opinion, all in all, love the game, just wish it was more social and made grouping easier