I don't like Theo : unpopular opinion
My two cents on the Sian Theo sh*tuation. He's super nice almost to the point where it gets…annoying. It's that "too much" niceness that can actually be a turn-off for some girls. Being overly nice doesn't automatically equal a green flag. I can totally see that Sian and Theo just aren't vibing. Theo's clinginess is actually pushing her away – and let's be real, most girls aren't into guys who are overly clingy. Sian is clearly trying to be kind and not lead him on, while also trying not to completely crush him. I don't understand why she's getting so much hate! It's not her fault if 4/6 guys are interested in her. And she definitely shouldn't be pressured to be with Theo just because he's into her. Think about it: you don't become best friends with someone just because they're nice to you. Friendships are built on shared vibes, having fun together, and genuinely clicking. Relationships are the same way!
Tdlr: He's nice but not every girl's cup of tea
EDIT: woww it really is an unpopular opinion