Lost Interest in Dating After Becoming a Dad – Anyone Else Feel the Same?

Before my daughter was born, I thought I understood love. But the moment she came into my life, everything changed. She became my entire world, and suddenly, nothing else seemed to matter as much. Friends, relationships, everything took a backseat.

When her mother and I eventually separated, I never really felt the urge to date or find someone new. I had my little girl by my side, and she was all I needed. No romantic relationship could ever compare to the love I had for her and the love she gave me in return.

I have tried dating a bit, but it’s tough. My daughter always comes first - above everything else. And while that feels natural to me, I can understand why it might feel unfair to the women I date. It’s hard for me to make space for someone else when my heart and priorities are so completely with my child.

Has anyone else experienced this? How do you balance being a devoted dad while also making room for a romantic relationship? Or does anyone else just feel like dating isn’t even important anymore?

Would love to hear your thoughts.