Alright dads, I need opinions on introducing my (33m) girlfriend (27f) to my son (8yo)
So, girlfriend and I have been seeing eachother for 8 months and things have been going great.
My son knows I have a girlfriend because his mother dropped by unannounced one day to grab some things and she was here. He did not meet her, but she told him that the car belong to my girlfriend. So cats out of the bag. That was about 2 weeks ago.
Since then, he has been asking to meet her pretty much every time I have her. And we love the idea of finally introducing them, and are pretty comfortable with the thought at this point in our relationship (we are thinking just one day every other week or so at most to hang out and start doing fun things together so they can bond).
However, he has been having some behavioral and grade issues in school since the separation over a year ago.
Do you think introducing someone new is a bad idea with his current school issues. Could it be helpful?
This would be the first person I ever introduced him to, and I really want to do this right and have my son at the forethought of how I go about this.