My stack for actually shipping fast


  • Buy the domain through Cloudflare!!! CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH! Makes it so much easier.
  • Free

Vercel for hosting

  • Paying for the Pro. It's awesome.
  • Easy to add custom domain, just add it and set up the record @ Cloudflare, and tweak the SSL setting to strict

Plausible for analytics

  • Not affiliated
  • Super duper easy to add to the page via Cloudflare Zaraz (free!)

Supabase for backend

  • Cool database, all the bros use this
  • Can connect to Lovable out of the box

Github for code

  • Connects with Vercel for CD
  • Connects with Lovable so you can prompt direct to production
  • Allows you to edit files, which gives you control when working with Lovable


  • Danggg
  • Connects with Supabase and Github out of the box!

Again, not affiliated with any of these tools. They are just awesome.

It's at a point where I can ship a full fledged product in a hour. A product that would have taken five to ten days to build and ship a few years ago.

Feels like cheating.