Shifting for a real person
Okay, so the title may sound weird but let me explain. I want to shift to a real person. Not someone i know irl but a celebrity. And if I'm honest, I've never heard about someone else doing this. You might be like "huh of course a lot of ppl do that", but that's also what I thought at first. But thinking about it made me realise that everyone is always shifting for characters their celebrity has played. Yk? Like it's never "I'm shifting for tom felton", it's always "I'm shifting for draco Malfoy" as an example. And it is actually a big difference because most of the times the actors are not the character they play or even if they're similar, they're not the same person.
So now to my actual question. Is it morally wrong that I actually want to shift for a Celebrity, just who they are or like seem on the media. No character just an actual singer I fell in love with. Then there is also the age problem. He's 26, I'm 16. I aged myself up in my DR but deep inside I'll always know that we have that big of an age difference. I'm not sure how to exactly explain all my thoughts correctly but I hope someone knows what I mean or even have the same "problem"
Thank you in advance for your answers🫶🏻