why tf is everyone so against THAT sunny supremacy theory bruh

bro ITS LEGIT THE ONLY THING he can do atp

what more does bro need to defy

hes fucking defied fate

he defies his flaw

he defies his aspect

he defies the laws of the universe by making a shadow bound aspect

he’s killed countless beings way stronger than him

buddy has explored and done everything

the only “act of defiance “ bro can do is to cheat death itself and lo and behold

sunny is the heir of shadow and weaver!

what better way for a divine shadow to attain supremacy by defying the will of shadow god.

all he has to do is find a way to respawn or become a full shadow

would explain to why sunny doesn’t even consider himself human in the tomb of ariel

sunny is legit dying, than boom somehow his nacsant domain which is literally a mini shadow realm takes all the shadows essence and than turns into that torrential storm shit and it fuels sunny boom supremacy

and ngl g3 can make this another way to nerf sunny as he so loves to nerf sunny