I can’t buy calling Selvig
this is the most frustrating plot point of the show for me.
Devon knows Selvig was marks boss. Devon knows Selvig lied about being a lactation consultant. Devon distrusts Milchick and possibly Lumons motivations for firing Selvig, but even still, she’s been told Selvig = lumon. Now regabi is reinforcing that and assuring Devon Selvig = Lumon.
So even in a moment of complete desperation, why ever call Selvig? That’s calling the most suspicious person in the rolodex.
It’s a totally out of character move given her arc this season. With everything Devon knows now about Mrs Selvig, it seems she’d be more likely to block her number than ever call her.
The most common defense is “she’s in a moment of panic and calls the only person she knows at lumon.” I just can’t buy that.
To give an analogy Imagine if Harry Potter were dying and Ron said let me call up Snape for help. Would Snape maybe have answers, sure. Do we the audience know Snape has good guy potential, yes! But it would be a bafflingly strange decision on Ron’s part because all that he has ever known is that Snape is totally and completely untrustworthy and sus. And that information has been reinforced repeatedly.
Severance is such an intelligent show I’m praying that they stitch up this issue somehow. I bet they will next week and this whole post will be void, but anyway that’s my feelings as of now.