This probably won't be true but I'm posting this just in case: The "It's All Bullshit" theory

The completion of Cold Harbor, "one of the greatest moments in the history of this planet", is going to be surprisingly insignificant and nonsensical and would only matter or make sense to someone who's drank the Lumon Kool-Aid like Drummond or Natalie. The leadership at Lumon have lost all perspective on what the rest of the world would consider "great" or important, their critical reasoning has been replaced by religious fervor. "The Board" is more akin to a council of priests than shareholders, making interpretations based on a gospel that never made any sense, written by a man who wasn't special. They're all just doing weird pointless stuff based on some vague guess that it's what Kier intended, hoping it will all make sense in the end.

Kier liked goats, so we have to raise goats. Kier ate deviled eggs and watermelon at a party once, so that's all you can eat at a party. Kier said something one time about feeling like a different person at work, so we have to make everyone on Earth into a literal different person at work. The people at Lumon are just doing random bullshit, maybe they're trying to fulfill some "prophecy" their founder dictated while he was hallucinating on mescaline or something, and Cold Harbor is just another part of that prophecy. Nothing's gonna happen, and they'll make excuses for it the same way a cult leader does when their predicted date for doomsday ends up being wrong. Kier's dead and there is nothing they can do to bring him back, everything the Eagans are doing is for nothing.

All the money they've spent? For nothing. All the planning and manipulation? For nothing. All the suffering they've inflicted on the innies? For nothing.

Unsatisfying? Yes. But it would also be an accurate satire of the ideologies of cults and corporations, which is what this show was originally intended to be before it became a mystery box. The Eagans are out of touch and aren't as smart as they look. They're living by an ideology that never made sense or meant anything at all. I don't think this is what's going to happen, because I know audiences would hate it, but it's a possibility that would fit the show thematically.

Anyway, I'm curious what you all think, and if I'm not the first person to come up with this theory. Please discuss below and feel free to disagree. I'm not overly attached to this theory, it's just a thought.