Survey Girl Again

I just posted about the new survey policy at my job yesterday. The policy that restricts servers that don’t get enough survey responses and made me work a 13 hour shift yesterday with no break because no one else is allowed to close.

It was the most grueling 13 hour shift of my life. We were nonstop busy and I didn’t even have a moment to pee. The restricted servers could only have a max of 3 tables so I had 8-9 at all times, in a large section. My section was three 4-top tables, two 6-tops, 4 2-tops, an 8-top, and a 10-top.

It was insane and I was running around nonstop. I tried to be as attentive and friendly as possible but I had ONE bad apple that is now reporting me to corporate for the “worst experience of their life”.

Everyone else loved me and tipped me well. This table was super nice, didn’t complain about anything but ripped me apart to my manager as soon as they paid. It didn’t make any sense to me and was incredibly stressful.

I just needed to rant after that horrible day. Thank god I have off today.