What are your "own rules" when building your factories?
What regulations you stick to when designing and building your factories which basically is allowed by the game itself? For example, there are players who try to stick to real world physics, so build consoled hypertube networks, railways with pillars, etc, while others just build complete megafactories on foundations floating in the air without touching anything else connected to the ground. What are your own rules and what is the logic / story / intention behind it?
For me, I never ever allow belts to clip into each other, I clip walls/foundations very very rarely, only when I have no other choice, also, I'm trying to build my factories like they are in the real world, so usually put consoling pillars where they would be physically needed in real world and my factories are always can be walked around on foot like in real life with dedicated catwalks, painted lanes etc.
( The factory on the image is not mine, just found a good looking one on google :D )