🚨ATTENTION🚨 Someone posted this on the Neighbors app in Pacoima last night of 2 wandering dogs. The Frenchie looks identical to our missing dog Mushie. We spent last night searching and couldn’t find them. PLEASE SHARE AND KEEP AN EYE OUT SO WE CAN FIND OUT WHERE THEY ARE, especially if you or anyone you know lives in that area (the dogs were going SW on Kagel Canyon and turned right onto Haddon going NW towards Goleta). I hope and pray someone secured them and that Mushie is reunited with us soon. It’s heartbreaking to feel so close yet so far. But I believe in my baby and the power of community. Please help us find these dogs and make sure they’re safe!🥺🙏🏽

(If the frenchie is Mushie, we’re offering $7,500 for her return or information on her whereabouts. #bringmushiehome)


🚨ATTENTION🚨 Someone posted this on the Neighbors app in Pacoima last night of 2 wandering dogs. The Frenchie looks identical to our missing dog Mushie. We spent last night searching and couldn’t find them. PLEASE SHARE AND KEEP AN EYE OUT SO WE CAN FIND OUT WHERE THEY ARE, especially if you or anyone you know lives in that area (the dogs were going SW on Kagel Canyon and turned right onto Haddon going NW towards Goleta). I hope and pray someone secured them and that Mushie is reunited with us soon. It’s heartbreaking to feel so close yet so far. But I believe in my baby and the power of community. Please help us find these dogs and make sure they’re safe!🥺🙏🏽

(If the frenchie is Mushie, we’re offering $7,500 for her return or information on her whereabouts. #bringmushiehome)
