What beach options are there that are politically blue? My immediate thought is Virginia Beach, but I've never really read particular praises about that city


Basically I've always wanted to live near a beach and I think I want to just go for it for a bit. My basis of comparison is the southeast. I live in SC and have gone to Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Edisto, and Florida a few times.

I mainly just love the windy evenings, going to the beach itself, and the THUNDERSTORMS. Also beach towns always feel semi-walkable, so that's a big plus too. However I'm not sure if I want to live in a red state anymore. I lived in CO for a little and it was pretty awesome, politically, I just hated the climate and the forest fires.

Does Virginia Beach fit my interests? Do any other beaches? I think I heard that Virginia Beach is a little rundown and suburby / military. I think I heard that the ocean itself isn't as good for actually going into and playing in, something about the waves. I'm not sure if they have weird seasonality things, like jellyfish or algae. And I'm not sure if it has thunderstorms like the south does. I checked out a lightning map and it looks like there is less up there.

I know there are beaches more up north too, but I imagine they aren't as nice, I don't know, but that's just my default thought. Also it's a lot more expensive up there generally. Virginia seemed more affordable (other than DC ofc).

So yeah, I'm mostly curious about Virginia Beach, as well as any other beach town suggestions. Thank you!