Getting rejected by most women at socials
What to work on so it doesn't happen?
I'm a normal guy, dressed well and smelling nice, and I come to the socials with my own group of friends. So nothing weird there.
But when I approach any girl to dance, they look at me weird and give me an excuse.
I've asked my friends why that might be and they said maybe cos I look tired/angry. Well yes, I'm not in a good mood. Like ever. My life is in a really bad place, I'm in survival mode all the time, I'm stressed about whether I'll survive the next week (both from overwhelming stress, lack of money and being on the verge of homelessness) and here I spent my $10 I should have spent on food, on this party. I didn't even want to be there, but I had to go because I was scared of being "forgotten" by my friend group.
And so I went and just wanted some escape from my terrible life, I felt terrible inner pain throughout the whole party - but I always feel this way - and nothing or noone helped me.
I also felt really strong shame about who I am in general. Not for any reason, I just don't feel acceptable at these parties. Or anywhere, really. I feel like I should be rejected by everyone just for existing. Yes I have some really bad mental problems and it's destroying me, but the dance scene should be welcoming, not just for the mentally healthy people.
At a social party, people should be able to have fun, no matter their life circumstances. Noone should reject me because I look tired. I'm not there for anyone's entertainment. I just wanted one dance so that I could go home without being judged by my friends. But to be fair even my female friends didn't talk to me or look like they wanted to dance with me. So maybe my group doesn't like me after all.
Anyway, my question is, how do you not get rejected at parties when you're tired and don't really want to be there? Because that's me 90% of the time. But I do want to be accepted by other people, not just at socials but anywhere. And it just doesn't happen.