I must be living in a hole…

I’ve been working my balls off to maximize my income. And according to online estimates I’m at or at the knife’s edge of being in the top 1% of earners in the US ($400,000/yr).

But think about this. This means there’s still ~2 million people that make more than me. How is this possible? That a HUGE number of people making more than $400,000/yr.

I understand percentages and that there’s ~200 million making less than me. But still there’s $2 million people make more than me. Do they have multiple jobs? If not, are they able to ask their boss for more money and justify it?

I’m 37 and $400,000/yr seems insane yet apparently it’s not :/


Based on the comments, let me clarify. This post is not to brag. I make enough money, i know and i don’t spend too much to need more.

My point is that 2 million people is a lot. That’s like a whole cities worth of people better than me!