Can’t pass CSP
Long story short, I just failed CSP for the 3rd time. Pretty embarrassing given work has been cool about paying for the exam / study material, not making me take vacation days for the tests, and I thought I was going to puke leaving the exam site while totaling up a current best of a 104/175 score. I get 70 - 80% on the Pocket Prep quizzes, have been using the Click Safety self paced learning and did ASSP self paced online starting around last August. Mixed in some John Newquist videos and the free Bowen quizzes, but didn’t use any physical books to study. I have a bachelor’s in safety management, have roughly 8 years of experience, and have been in site specialist / lead roles, now holding my current position over 3 years. I would like to make the jump into middle or upper management in general industry, but highly think not having this cert is holding me back from getting there. Not sure what to do but I have one more try paid for with my GSP running out this year. If I fail again I will likely just accept I can’t pass it at this time and go for ASP and CSP later on after my GSP expires. I did get married and buy a house while I started the studying process so maybe the added life changes on top of studying during the weekend and 2 or 3 nights after work is not great timing, and mostly why I didn’t try to see if I could take an in person class like someone in my EHS network recommended. Any feedback positive or negative is much appreciated.