Ran out of gas- now bike won't start?

I recently bought a 2005 SV650. It's my first motorcycle, so it's new to me in every way. I had no idea it was as low on gas as it was when I got it and ran out after about 15 miles. Pulled over and someone was kind enough to bring me gas. After I fueled up and turned the bike on, it wouldn't start. The rpm gauge is stuck at 5k, the display doesn't show anything, and I don't hear the fuel pump run when I try to start it. Not sure what the problem could be or where to start since I'm so new to this. Would appreciate any help/ideas!! It's in a nearby parking lot and I put a note on it and am crossing my fingers I don't get towed before I can get ahold of a way to transport it..

EDIT: apparently my terminology is confusing- bike was cranking but not starting. Turned out to be a blown ignition fuse and there was fortunately a spare in the box. Still took bike to shop for a PPI though (although more of a post-purchase inspection in my case)