AITA for pouring milk on my opponent's controller during a set?
ok so hear me out. i was playing this bo5 at my local, my falco was absolutely cracked this set. like, i was hitting every single shine grab, my movement was so crispy i could’ve been a bag of lays, and my opponent (this puff player, let’s call him "jigglyjohn" bc he smelled like microwaved tuna) was ledge camping like his life depended on it. i’m talking constant planking, almost hitting the ledge grab limit, just being a total degenerate. i was up 2-1 in the set, but game 4 was taking forever bc this dude refused to approach. like, bro, it’s melee, not a staring contest.
anyway, i’m popping off, my falco is doing things that should be illegal, and i’m starting to get hungry. so, naturally, i pull out a carton of milk from my pocket (idk why i had it, but i did) and take a swig mid-match. jigglyjohn is still planking, and i’m getting impatient. so i’m like, “yo, if you don’t get off that ledge, i’m gonna do something crazy.” he just laughs and says, “what, you gonna dair me again?” and i’m like, “nah, something worse.”
so i stand up and pour the rest of the milk on his controller. like, full-on drenched it. the buttons were squishing, the stick was squeaking, and he just freezes like i just kicked his dog or something. the TO runs over and is like, “what the hell, dude?” and i’m like, “bro, he was ledge camping, this is self-defense.” jigglyjohn starts yelling about how i ruined his controller, but honestly, it was worth it. my falco was too sick to be disrespected like that.
the TO DQ’s me, but i don’t even care bc i was about to win anyway. jigglyjohn is still mad, saying i owe him a new controller, but i told him to take it up with the milk carton. AITA for standing up for myself and my falco’s honor?