Understanding SQE scores and quintiles (Interested in your POVs!!)

I passed SQE 1 on my first attempt, Second Quintile for both FLK1 and FLK2. First, I am deeply thankful for passing and that's what matters most. Now - my exact scores are 352 and 344 accordingly. I keep hearing this is a "pass or fail" exam and scores should not matter. However, I am also genuinely curious how does a "Second Quintile" score comes across? Is it comparable to a 2:1? Is it just average? Is it something to be "proud of"? Of course 1Q is an impressive achievement, but considering firms request SQE transcripts, I just wanted to have a sense of what a 2Q means. Any guidance would be super helpful. P.s.- other than "Herbert Smith Freehills" requesting a "First Attempt Pass" and "Travers Smith" requesting a "First Quintile Pass"; I haven't heard that scores end up mattering much, but if I'm mistaken, please let me know guys. Thanks.