How to Wash the Dishes

Hey, kiddo! As your parents, we’ve decided that you’re finally old enough for a very very important responsibility: washing the dishes! We’ve made this guide to help you with your new grown-up chore. Make sure you follow every step after dinner tonight! 

  1. Once you’re excused from the table, bring your dishes to the sink as always. Place them on the counter on the right side of the sink. The rest of the family will have placed their dishes there too. 
  2. The dish rack should always be on the left side of the sink. If it’s on the right side of the sink, leave the kitchen and close the door. Spin around once clockwise, then reenter the kitchen. It should be on the left side after that. 
  3. If the dish rack is missing, don’t look behind you. You might feel something cold dripping on you from above. Don’t look up. Just grab a utensil from the pile of dirty dishes and throw it behind you. With any luck, Stewart will mistake it for something valuable and drop the dish rack to chase after it. You’ll find the dish rack directly behind you. Just put it back on the left side of the sink and continue with the chores. We believe in you, buddy!
  4. We should have told you about him sooner, but Stewart is our chef. Did you really think your two working parents would be able to cook such fantastic meals every night? Stewart doesn’t like for us to enter his domain, but he hates doing the dishes even more. 
  5. On that note, while you’re in the kitchen, the only thing you should be doing is washing the dishes. Don’t even think about hunting around in the fridge or pantry for a snack right after dinner, kiddo. Stewart isn’t from around here and his ingredients are a little unorthodox. You might not like what happens if you sneak a taste.
  6. If the fridge suddenly opens while you’re doing the dishes, shut it immediately and make sure the child lock is securely shut. We know you can figure it out! Just don’t look inside. Uncle Herb went to get a snack one time and we’re pretty sure he’s still in there. Yes, it’s THAT Uncle Herb. Make sure the child lock is on tight. 
  7. Now you’re finally ready to start washing up! The sink has two basins. The one on the right is for scrubbing the dishes and the one on the left is for rinsing them. Don’t mix them up, or else all of your meals will be tasting pretty soapy from now on. 
  8. Make sure to put on the yellow rubber gloves on the counter! You don’t want the dish soap to irritate your hands while you’re scrubbing. 
  9. There are two bottles of dish soap on the counter. Make sure you put the green dish soap on the green side of the sponge. If you use the purple soap it will clean the gloves off your hands and the flesh off your bones. 
  10. If the sponge has a bite taken out of it, Stewart got a little too hungry while he was preparing dinner. Just toss it over your shoulder without looking back. Stewart will be sure to snatch it out of the air before it hits the ground. After that you can just grab a new sponge from the cabinet beneath the sink. 
  11. You have to scrub the dishes in a certain order. Start with the plates, then the bowls, then the spoons, forks, and knives. Scrub the knives last. You don’t want to ignore them in the rinsing basin for too long. They’ll be quick to stab your hand when you’re not paying attention. 
  12. Put each piece of tableware into the rinsing basin after you’ve finished scrubbing it. Make sure that you’ve gotten every bit of food off. Nobody likes to find dried food scum on their plate before a meal. 
  13. If you don’t properly clean off the dishes, they’ll fall right out of the drying rack. The cost of replacing those smashed dishes will come straight out of your allowance, buddy. 
  14. After all the tableware is put into the rinsing basin, you can start rinsing the dishes in the opposite order that you put them in (knives first and plates last). Be very careful not to mix up the order. Your cousin Nora made that mistake once and the doctors never did find out where her stomach went.
  15. Place each dish onto the drying rack after you’ve finished rinsing it. If you’ve really made a racket while washing the dishes, the drying rack might be missing again. Just follow rule 3 and try to be quieter. Stewart’s ears are sensitive and he’s figured out that the pantry is excellent at muffling loud noises. 
  16. You’re almost done, pal! Once all of the dishes are on the drying rack, you should rinse out each of the sink’s basins, starting with the rinsing basin and then the scrubbing basin. Once all of the soap suds and bits of grime have gone down the drain, flick the switch above the faucet and quickly pull your arm away. Remember how Grandma used to do the dishes? She was too slow one day and if you sneak a peek down the drain you might still see her down there. Try to ignore her cries for help. 
  17. You can safely turn off the garbage disposal once the grinding starts to sound like purring. You’ll be joining Grandma if you turn it off too soon. 
  18. Take one last look around the kitchen and make sure all drawers, cabinets, and doors are closed. 
  19. If a drawer is open, you may simply close it and continue with rule 24.
  20. If a cabinet is open, you must wash all tableware within the cabinet in accordance with the rules we have just given you. The cabinet should close by itself after this. 
  21. If the pantry is open, then Stewart is still hungry. We’re really sorry about this, kiddo, but the best thing to do is to open the fridge. Pull out Uncle Herb and take his place in the fridge. We know that it’ll be really uncomfortable, but a bit of frostbite is a lot better than Stewart’s bite. 
  22. While you’re hiding in the fridge, Uncle Herb will beg you to come back out. He’ll try to open the door, but you must keep it closed. After a while he’ll give up and you’ll hear the sound of sizzling. You might even smell bacon. It will be very tempting to leave the fridge, but stay inside until the smell disappears and the kitchen has become completely silent. With any luck, you’ll be able to taste some of that “bacon” at breakfast tomorrow. 
  23. If you do not hear the sound of sizzling or smell meat cooking, then Uncle Herb was not up to Stewart’s standards (there’s a reason why we chose him to be our chef, and you know he’s never made a bad meal). In this case, it’s best to just stay in the fridge. We’ll try to find a way to get you out, buddy, but no promises. 
  24. If all drawers, cabinets, and doors have been closed, then you should thank Stewart for the meal, turn off the kitchen light, and close the door as you leave. It’s only polite.

And that’s how to wash the dishes! We’re so proud of you kiddo, and we know that you’ll be up to the task! 

Hugs and kisses,

Your Loving Parents

P.S. We know that Braxton kid has been giving you a hard time at school, but invite him over for dinner tonight. Kill ‘em with kindness, as they say. Besides, we’re a little behind on paying Stewart’s salary.