Greetings from the Sovereign Nation of My Apartment

Let’s be honest. The cost of living is too high. It would be a miracle for someone like you to find a decent place to live. Through my own infinite magnanimity, I humbly invite you to enter the sovereignty of my apartment building. While we are technically in the jurisdiction of the state of Ohio, it is my right as a sovereign citizen to reject all state and federal laws. Should you move into one of my available rooms, you will no longer be subject to the laws you once knew. Instead, you will follow the rules that I give you in exchange for a studio apartment completely free of rent. I highly recommend that you take me up on this offer because you’ll never see an opportunity this wondrous ever again. 

  1. You will be allowed to bring one backpack full of your things. Your apartment will already be fully furnished. You will not need to bring anything other than your clothes, toiletries, and a few sentimental items. 
  2. All personal belongings must not display the insignia of other nations. You may not bring a passport, flags, clothing featuring national symbols, or other such patriotic items. Once you step foot on my land you will no longer be a citizen of any known nation. Having such items on your person is treachery. 
  3. When you are ready to join our sovereign nation, please stand by the gate until I open it to let you in. I am always wearing a blue shirt with a pattern of palm fronds. If anyone other than me opens the gate for you, do not enter, no matter what they tell you. Stand your ground and do not react. I promise that I will be there within fifteen minutes to deal with the act of treachery.  
  4. I will give you your apartment key. Your room number is 302, on the third floor. Upon your arrival, you must head immediately to the stairway and go straight to your room. Do not stop. Do not turn around until you are standing inside of your apartment. 
  5. As I said before, your apartment is already fully furnished. Treat the furniture with respect. It is there to serve you. 
  6. Do not look under the furniture. This includes the couch and your bed. They are quite shy and will not respond kindly to your violation of their modesty. 
  7. There should be one pillow on your bed. One pillow is all you need. Additional pillows are an invitation for others to join you in bed, and I assume that you’d prefer to avoid unnecessary injury. 
  8. If you hear someone knocking on the door, look through the peephole. Only open the door if I am standing there.
  9. If you hear someone calling to you, but no knocking, do not look. Do not respond. The voice may sound familiar, but it does not belong to anyone or anything you know. 
  10. You may leave the apartment in order to buy groceries or visit your less enlightened friends and family. However, you must receive my approval before leaving. Leaving without approval is treachery. 
  11.  If you would like to leave, you must head down to my office on the first floor to make a request. 
  12.  Do not take the elevator down. It tends to break down when newcomers use it, and I have trouble finding repairmen willing to do the job. 
  13. When you take the stairs, do not look up. The inhabitants of the fourth floor like to watch from above, but they hate being seen by their inferiors. If you break this rule and look at them, you have invited them to break their own rules. Do not encourage lawlessness within my apartment. That is treachery. 
  14. Once you are on the first floor, knock twice on my office door. Listen closely. If your knock seems to echo away into a large space, return to your apartment and do not try to contact me until the next day. Going hungry or disappointing a friend is better than what awaits you, should you be impatient. 
  15. If something knocks back from the other side, loudly apologize for your interruption. You may sit on one of the chairs outside my office. I will open the door when I am ready to speak with you, but do not look at me until I have sat down behind my desk again. 
  16. If you hear nothing, you may open the door and enter. Try to ignore what you see behind me. The window likes to play tricks on your eyes, and if you look at it for too long you might just end up losing them. 
  17. I usually approve my tenants’ requests. If I approve yours, you are permitted to leave only for the time allowance I give you. It is too risky to allow you to return if you are late, so make sure you plan your trips thoroughly and always keep track of the time. Disrespecting a curfew is treachery.
  18. If you know that you will not be able to make it back within your time slot, don’t bother coming back. You will be met with far worse consequences than becoming homeless if you attempt to enter the apartment without clearance.
  19. If, for some reason, I deny your request, please do not argue. Return to your room and do not leave until I personally come in to tell you the modifications I have made to your request. I will visit you within twelve hours of your initial visit to my office, so try not to fall asleep. Things will only go smoothly if you do not make me wait. 
  20. When returning from a trip outside, you must follow the procedure detailed in rule 3. 
  21. While you are not on an approved trip outside, there are plenty of things to do within the apartment. However, do not go up to the fourth floor, and as previously stated, do not even look up the stairwell. The inhabitants are the reason why our great nation was able to declare sovereignty, and you do not want to know what happens should you offend them. 
  22. You are free to speak with anyone who lives on the third floor. I group tenants based on how well I think they will get along, so you are free to visit the others’ apartments as well. However, do not overstay your welcome. They will take this as an invitation to enter your apartment as they wish, and I imagine that you value your privacy and bodily autonomy.
  23. You may speak to the tenants who live on the second floor, but do not follow them back to their apartments unless you would like to become intimately familiar with how the building’s sewage system operates. 
  24. If a second floor tenant offers you food, do not take it. It will not be up to your hygiene standards.
  25. I am the only person who lives on the first floor. If a tenant tells you that they live on the first floor, that is treachery. I authorize you to use force in any way you see fit. Do not worry about being kept long. I will always arrive within fifteen minutes. 
  26.  There are many amenities on the first floor. We have a laundry unit, a fitness studio, and an outdoor pool. You may use these freely as long as you follow their rules. 
  27.  There are three washers and three dryers in the laundry unit. You must only use the middle washer and the middle dryer. Even if they appear to be running when you enter, I assure you that the other machines are broken. Do not open them. This will upset their contents. 
  28. You may only use the detergent in the blue bottle. Do not touch the other bottles and do not bring in your own detergent. The machine is sensitive to toxins. 
  29. You may only use the fitness studio if it is empty. If you see another tenant through the glass door, look away as quickly as possible and leave the first floor. They tend to be self-conscious. You may check again once an hour has passed. 
  30. If you are using the fitness studio and another tenant enters, do not look at them. You may continue your workout if you believe that you are disciplined enough to not sneak an accidental glance, but it is far easier to simply leave. If you do happen to look at the other tenant, I hope you are confident in your physical abilities. 
  31.  The outdoor pool is not heated. It should always be cold. You must always make sure that the water is cold before you swim. I suggest testing it with an appendage you don’t mind losing. The temperatures can get extreme. 
  32. If the water suddenly becomes warm as you are swimming, you have probably done something to contaminate it. Do not contaminate the pool. That is treachery. 
  33. If you cannonball into the pool, you might not be able to find your way to the surface. 
  34. You may use the pool alongside the other tenants, but if a large group seems to appear all at once, you must leave immediately. They will follow you back to your apartment, but they will leave once your door is locked. 
  35. There are mailboxes on the first floor. You are free to send and receive mail, but if you receive something that looks like it’s from a foreign nation’s government, you must give it to me. I will dispose of it appropriately, and you will have to decontaminate yourself.
  36. The decontamination shower is at the end of the hall on the first floor. Simply step inside, close your eyes, and pull the lever. Stay as still as possible. The “water” is very hot and will burn you if you irritate it while it is trying to do its job. 
  37. Do not go into the basement. There is no basement. 
  38. Sometimes unmarked vehicles will appear outside of the apartment’s gates. You must notify me immediately when this happens. Nobody from our great nation owns a vehicle except for me. Failure to report this is treachery. 
  39. People in dark suits and sunglasses may enter the property and begin questioning you. Do not look directly at them. They are not real. The people will ask you where I am. Instruct them to head to the fourth floor. Ignore what you hear. It is not real. 
  40. If you suspect someone on the grounds of being a foreign national, I authorize you to use force in any way you see fit. 
  41. Everything that happens within the sovereign nation of my apartment stays within the sovereign nation of my apartment. If you reveal our business to any foreign national, that is treachery. 
  42. Treachery will be dealt with appropriately.