Welcome to the Bass Section!
Hey! Welcome to your first day of high school. So you’ve decided to join the Orchestra to get those sweet, sweet art credits, right? And you’ve made an excellent choice in being a bassist! I’m the section leader, and it’s my job to make sure you’re the best bassist you can be. I’ve made a list of rules you should follow in order for things to go as smoothly as possible while you’re with us— and hey, maybe you’ll like it enough to join us again next year!
- Orchestra is always during second period. Never arrive early, even if you don’t have a first period. If you come to the music room during first period, you won’t be able to leave. You will be attending Band practice and they will know that you do not belong there. You may try to hide in the percussion section, but it’s harder to play those drums than it looks. If you’re discovered, I suggest finding a heavy set of mallets.
- There are two doors to the music room. Make sure you always enter the one that says “MUSIC 1.” If you enter the one that says “MUSIC 2,” you might see some things you won’t be able to forget. Let’s just say that the Jazz Band is pretty sloppy with cleaning up after themselves.
- This should go without saying, but don’t be late. It takes us bassists a bit longer to set up than the other players, and you don’t want to keep the Orchestra waiting. Besides, you don’t want to be up in the bass closet alone. Make sure you come to class before I’ve gotten my bass out. I won’t wait for you.
- If you’ve successfully made it to class on time, great! Grab a stand from the back of the room. Since this is a public school and the arts department is horribly underfunded, all of the stands are dented and slightly rusty. They should also all have “MUSIC 1” printed on them. The stands that say “MUSIC 2” were misplaced from the Jazz room. You don’t want to use those.
- If you pick up a stand and it’s sticky, just put it down and go wash your hands immediately, even if it means you’ll be late to class. Chances are, that’s residue from Band practice, and if you don’t wash it off right away you won't have a hand to wash.
- If you see a stand that’s in pristine condition, leave it. The first violins think they’re the most important players in the orchestra and the second violins like to set little traps for them. As bassists, the drama in the violin section is none of our business. Grab a different stand unless you only want to play open strings from now on.
- Set up your stand on the far side of the room. My stand is in the corner. You may place your stand next to mine, but keep it far away enough that you won’t be hitting my bass with your bow during practice. I probably won’t do anything to you, but it’s really annoying to be poked every time you play an upbow, and my bass is a lot less forgiving than me.
- If you take my spot in the corner, you can just forget about following these rules.
- After setting up your stand, it’s time to go up into the bass closet! Head up the stairs in the back of the room. If the door is closed, wait for me to open it. There are things in there that don’t take kindly to arrogant freshmen.
- The light switch is on the left of the door. If you can’t find the light switch, close the door and knock on it three times. The door should open on its own and you’ll be able to find the light switch then.
- Once you turn the lights on, you might see a few cockroaches running away. I’d love to say that those are some fancy monsters, but they’re really just cockroaches. Although in my opinion, poor sanitation might just be the scariest thing about this whole school.
- To your right should be a row of five closets. Our basses are stored in the third closet. I know it gets a little confusing when some closets have two doors and some only have one, but try to keep track of things. I know it’s tempting to figure out the mysteries of the bass closet, but you’re not here to be a detective. You’re here to play bass.
- You might see the doors of the first closet rattle a little. That’s where the Color Guard stores their sabers. Yes, they’re fake, but they’re heavy enough to hurt you badly should you open the closet. Try to walk by quickly. The sabers have a mind of their own and might get upset if you ogle their closet for too long.
- The Band stores their snacks in the second closet. Don’t take anything. They’ll know. I’m not sure why you would want crackers that expired ten years ago, though.
- The third closet is the last one you can easily reach. The fourth and fifth closets are partially blocked by the rows of Band uniforms, and that area isn’t very well lit since the lightbulbs are broken. You shouldn’t have any reason to go past the third closet, but make sure you keep an eye on those racks of uniforms.
- If you see something moving behind the uniforms, calmly leave the bass closet. Don’t look back. Simply act as though you have forgotten something. I will take care of the issue and come get you when it is safe to come back into the bass closet.
- I will unlock and open the third closet. Your bass is the shiny dark brown one. Don’t touch the dark brown bass that’s covered in scratches. It came from the middle school on the other side of town and isn’t comfortable around children like you.
- The bows are all hanging on the right side of the closet. Yours is the black French bow with the yellow horsehair. Make sure that you rosin it well. You won’t have the opportunity to once class has begun.
- There is one German bow. Nobody uses that bow. If you’re really determined to avoid using a French bow, be prepared to play perfectly— you’ll find a little chunk of yourself missing for each note that is even slightly out of tune.
- If you’re one of those lazy freshmen who likes to sit on a stool instead of standing with your bass, then you can come back up into the bass closet to get one. They’re in the fourth closet.
- The fourth closet is also used to store all of the broken basses. Try to be respectful. Don’t touch them and especially don’t pluck their broken strings. You might feel a strange squirming feeling under your skin if you do. Just quietly grab a stool from the corner.
- The stools have gray cushions. I think they used to be white. Just be thankful that we have the budget for stools. They’re fairly safe to sit on, but they’re not very strong. If it breaks once you sit on it, try to protect your bass. What happens if you damage your bass will hurt a lot more than any fall will.
- Don’t look in the fifth closet don’t look in the fifth closet don’t look
- At this point you might be curious about the dark stairwell at the end of the bass closet. You might think that you see an exit door down there, and trust me, I know how tempting it is to want to look through. If you see the exit sign, walk backwards until it disappears and don’t look back.
- If you take more than one step down that stairwell, you won’t be able to resist the urge to head all the way down to the door. I’m not entirely sure what’s down there, but whatever it is, you will be extremely disappointed.
- After you’ve gotten your bass, your bow, and your stool if you're a loser, head back down to your stand and get ready to warm up. I hope you know how to tune by ear.
- If you’ve done everything correctly, class should proceed as normal. Well, as normal as it gets.
- After class, you should be able to simply bring your bass, bow, and stool back up to the closet. Make sure you put them back in the same spot.
- The bass closet door might suddenly close. I swear it’s just because the hinges are broken. In any case, when this happens you should look straight up. There’s a vent near the ceiling that the bassists of long ago somehow managed to stuff a teddy bear into.
- If the bear is looking at you, close your eyes and count to ten. Once you hear the door open back up you are free to go.
- If the bear doesn’t appear to have a face, you’ve offended something within the closet. If you don’t apologize to the object of your transgression, you might end up finding out what’s in the fifth closet. Once you’ve apologized, simply look back at the bear. It should have a face now, in which case you should follow rule 30. If it still doesn’t have a face, you’ve offended more than one thing. Keep apologizing until you’re able to leave. Make sure your apologies are authentic. They can tell if you’re lying.
- If you’re the last person to leave the bass closet, turn off the lights and close the door. Don’t waste electricity.
- Once you’re back in the music room, put your stand away and put on your backpack. Stay on our side of the room until the bell rings. You may speak to the cellists and violists if they approach you, but do not look at the violinists. There’s a reason why we’re on opposite sides of the room.
- Once the bell rings, you may leave the music room and go to your next class. I don’t recommend staying too long after the bell rings.
And that should be it! Follow these rules and you’ll definitely enjoy your time with us. Welcome to the bass section!