[WWTBC] Motorcycle Club princess/best friend gets shunned by then-boyfriend, years later notices ex-bf's brother is interested

It's a bit of a jumble, I can't remember if it's a standalone or part of a series.

She's young, 16-18, either when the book starts or in a retrospective. Her then-boyfriend breaks up or cheats on her but she's the one running away from the MC-family. Maybe a kid/miscarriage/abortion was part of it. Not sure. Could be that she was just shunned and remained in the town.

Years later for whatever reasons FMC returns. Her ex's parents welcome her with open arms and so does the motorcycle club. Oooor maybe some legacy members return (like from a military deployment). I'm pretty sure the FMC has a flower name: Lilly, Kalla, Dahlia.

Either way, the ex's brother is appalled how she's being treated and speaks up for her. His or his brother's name could be something like Declan.

Ex tries to grovel halfheartedly and nobody believes his apology due to his now-girlsfriend/wife.

Must have read it a couple of years ago.

Edit: Nevermind, writing the post triggered something and I found it {The other Princess by Christine Michelle}