something causes the strong fmc to have a gut wrenching heartbreaking and utterly devastating mental breakdown/emotional scene

so i went through older posts that wanted something similar to this, but it was not quite what i wanted.

i want an fmc that has normally a very strong character and doesnt allow people to see her emotions, but then something happens and just completely breaks down and the mmc is completely shocked and it breaks his heart to see her this way.

the heartbreak does NOT have to be caused by the mmc!!!! it could be that someone from her family dies or idk honestly just something that makes her not able to hold back the pain anymore.

i think fantasy would fit into this most, but contemporary is also very much appreciated. honestly any (sub)genre but RH 🙃

EDIT: if you guys know the turkish show Kara Sevda, the scene where she says goodbye to her brother Ozan after he passed is what comes to mind when i think of this. her standing there crying and screaming at him to wake up, this scene was genuinely so well done, Neslihan is an amazing actress. This kind of level of emotional wreck is what i am looking for (its in episode 36 it starts at about the 7 minute mark if anyone wants to see it to get a better picture, the episode is available for free on youtube however without subtitles)