Wow, the DLCs change EVERYTHING!

Hi, just here to rant about how amazing this game is! So, I bought Rimworld 21 days ago and I already have 141 hours. I am absolutely obsessed with this game and after ~120 hours, I launched my ship with my first colony on vanilla with no dlc and no mods (Except one that makes mortars based on intellect so my researchers can do something during raids). I just started a new run yesterday as a lost tribe with all the DLC, and I was already addicted to this game before but now there is so much MORE to it! I'm only 1.5 years in but all of the DLCs have already completely warped my plan for the game. I'm raising an army of wizards (Royalty), I'm learning gene editing so I can make even better wizards (Biotech), and I have a healthy supply of slaves to keep my wizards fed while constantly meditating! (Ideology)

I haven't even touched anomaly yet but I am so amazed at how much stuff was added to this already fantastic game through the DLCs.

I've barely even made it to mods yet, expect another post like this once I start heavily modding. (I did install Vanilla Psycast Expanded already once I realized how much I wanted a wizard gang)

I love this game