Rich people - what do your budgets look like?

i consider myself a HENRY but this is more of a personal finance post than a HENRY post.

i’m curious where all your money goes in a year. obviously this would look quite different than the budgets we see in r/personalfinance, for example.

my spouse and i make around 550k a year. here’s where our money goes


  • ⁠taxes: 150k
  • 401k: 47k
  • ⁠backdoor roth IRA: 14k
  • ⁠mortgage: 44k
  • ⁠property taxes: 28k
  • ⁠home insurance: 4k
  • ⁠car payments: 9k
  • ⁠groceries: 10k
  • ⁠utilities: 8k
  • daycare: 26k
  • ⁠kid stuff: 5k

total: 345k.

non essentials:

  • ⁠home improvements/maintenance: 20k
  • ⁠cleaner: 13k
  • ⁠lawn care: 4k
  • clothes: 5k
  • ⁠charitable: 5k
  • vacations: 20k
  • ⁠eating out: 15k
  • ⁠shopping/discretionary: 50k.

total: 132k.

everything else gets invested, about ~80-100k a year.