Agent sent me a $26k bill

I listed a property on sale about eight months ago with a real estate agent. I gave the agent the selling price and she did her analysis and confirmed that we can list at that price. Now 8 months later, we have not had any offer and the real estate agent Either wants me to take a loss to sell the property or she wants to cancel the contract and she sent me an estimate of $26,000 for her costs which includes $280/hr for her time. I told her I am not canceling the contract and I am not paying anything since the contract is for her to work on 3% commission upon the sale of the property. She turned on me and started insulting my property, how it’s not worth much and I am way over my head. I told her you did your analysis when you listed the property and I’m not liable for anything. I already reduced the price once and she wants me to cut the price by another 30%. Can she legally extract any money from me? What do I do? The contract expires in July and the contract does not contain anything that mentions me laying her anything if the property does not sell.