Ragnarok Online 3 (RO3) PC ONLY - Collaborative Suggestions thread
Ragnarok Online 3 Devs are requesting suggestions for its new game. Its discord community is a mix of mobile users and wishful thinking PC players, many of which are RO1 official and private server players. So far it is small, but debate has been split on many topics on why there should and should not be a Mobile only experience, and a PC only experience.
I am planning to post and publish a collaborated suggestions thread on the official Ragnarok Online 3 discord suggestions channel as a result. I will find and make every existing RO content creator aware of this thread if it gains traction and support, so they can publish there own opinions in relation to this on there social media / content creation platforms whilst raising awareness to its audience of this thread.
If this gains mass support, I will then forward it to Gravity's head office via email and mail including the name of every single social media content creator that supports the topic; whilst also politely requesting a response to the subject.
Lets use this as our opportunity.
The aim here is obvious, and I suspect the vast majority of you will see it as a waste of time, but I believe that doing simply nothing is just forfeiting wishful thinking when we could help Gravity by creating a separate experience that will appease to its PC audience that are familiar with the IP.
From a investor perspective this creates 2 eco systems and a wider existing & new audience to the IP, each having there own experiences that would bring the 2 experiences to be part of the same coin with there own differences. Also Gravity Investors brief (this week) showed the game could potentially be pushed to a Q1 2026 release.
I am fully aware that over the years previous efforts have been and are likely to be ignored, but I will not go quietly into the night.
Also (pretty please) lets upvote & share and try to keep this thread constructive. Gravity denial is welcome, please leave your opinions.
QUESTION: If Ragnarok Online 3 was to have a separate developed PC experience (aside from the mobile version they are developing) what would you remove / add?
**See linked videos before posting your suggestions*\*
Video 1 (official link): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3yKAsSbOjM
Video 2 (official link with Updated UI): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6B6a3lsA_0
Video 3 (Youtube author: ITV): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peOBnXz7hBo
Video 4 (Youtube author: ITV new video with updated UI) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Micmco3UpDA