Aren't Team RWBY and Ironwood's plans doomed no matter what . . . ?

When Cinder got her hands on the Relic of Knowledge? It doesn't matter if RWBY and Ironwood were able to settle their differences and come together to develop a plan to stop Salem for good. Cinder and Salem have already won anyways by getting the Relic of Knowledge. There is nothing stopping Cinder from doing what she did by just using the Relic of Knowledge to ask Jinn what their plans and then figuring out a way to counter their plans no matter what they come up with?

And it seems like when Yang and her team somehow came into Monstro to rescue Oscar, they never even thought about trying to get the Lamp back either even though that Relic is extremely important and is one of the four things Salem needs to summon the Gods and destroy the world.

Do you think RWBY and Ironwood are cooked no matter what they do ever since Neo was able to steal the Relic of Knowledge they specifically brought to Atlas to safely secure which they failed to do so?