The Power of Thorough Due Diligence
Since u/Best_Phone posted his original DD on RVSN, this has become the hottest stock on wall street. Talked about on every investment and trading channel and and site with thousands of people pouring their money in and adding their own contributions to the DD. This shows the power of grassroots communities and the value of a well-researched, well thought out piece of due diligence. People are HUNGRY for this type of original research. 99% of people just parrot what someone else says or post some generic crap from GPT. Once in a while you get a gamechanger who really brings a stock to life. u/G-Money1965 has done something similar with WOLF (Wolfspeed stock).
It just goes to show you the power is no longer in the hands of the media, institutions, or wealthy activists. ANYBODY can become a street legend like these two have. It's the democratization of influence back to the hands of the people. Legendary.