How to get a perfect panther pelt ?
edit :- i did it. get the buck antler trinket and use high velocity ammo in bolt action rifle instead of express. this was the main problem.
hey fellers, i am trying to get the panther trail saddle for which you require a perfect panther pelt ofc, but i am finding it quite hard to locate the panther and shoot it , let aside getting a perfect pelt . sometimes i find the panther and decide to shoot him first and then know that it was a poor quality one , sometimes its head is completely hidden behind a tree or something and the next second i find arthur getting eaten alive by him . in short i ain't a very good hunter especially when it comes to hunting predators who are 5-10 steps away . here is the method i follow , let me know if i am doing something wrong :-
- camp near the intersection of roads near braithwate manor till evening or night .
- go just below the 'N' in old henry fan or something like that .
- you will find a panther there . shoot it . if it doesn't spawns , move around a bit
in this , i face a massive difficulty the panther spawn is very uncertain , sometimes it spawns right RIGHT in front of me , and then you know what happens . i use a bolt action rifle to hunt it and i haven't got the buck antler trinket yet. please give me some tips .
P.S - sorry for any flaws in the above , english isn't my 1st language .