biggest things keeping me from quitting- need some advice
1- I work with kids at a elementary school and need to have my attention span intact to do my job effectively. I don’t bring my vape inside, i work for about 4 hours then I leave for my lunch and hit my vape, and it holds me over for the rest of the day until I leave. The times i’ve tried to quit, I feel like my eyes pop out of my head and I can’t focus on a single thing or form sentences I just stare into space, the brain fog is so bad. Then I don’t even last a day before I get another vape. I’m scared of the mood swings popping up at work, im scared of staring into space and making careless mistakes.
2- I’m scared of how bad the mood swings will be at home. Im scared that I’ll go batshit crazy being angry over something stupid and take it out on my boyfriend. He assured me that if I quit, he’s prepared to handle some crazy mood shifts, but it still sounds really awful.
Vaping has become so engrained in everything I do at home. Eat?Vape after. Wake up?vape. Watching movie?Vape in hand. Game?Vape in hand. Morning coffe?Vape. the only time i don’t have it is when i’m in my work building. It’s sooo bad and I’m so ashamed of myself. I started when i was 18 when some friends got me into it and i’m 24 now. I also have really bad OCD and vaping has helped calm me down when I have anxiety attacks. The regret I feel everyday eats at me. I don’t know where to begin. I see some people on here say “i’m 2 weeks in with no cravings and I feel great” and that gives me hope. And I also see people who say “i’m 7 months clean and still miserable” and that makes me feel ughhhhh