The reason why Quinn sucks now

If you build adc route, she just sucks damage-wise early to mid game until third item finished(when the game result is pretty much closed at that time). Unlike champions like Vayne, quinn as an adc lacks sufficient base damage to make up for it. She is just a meh ranged marksman.

If you build the assassin route aka profane hydra route, you are only good against low health squishy target. You have zero kill pressure against any fighters, not even mentioning tanks. You also arent gonna do well against well farmed true assassins like Zed and Fizz because it is way easier for them to roll out their combos than yours. Even against enemy botlaners it is hard to kill without your own botlane duos’ help.

So now Quinn has become just a roaming machine. If you roam and luckily render kills, good. If not, then the game is lost already unless your teammates hella gapped their counterparts.but in that case, you are just getting carried and whatever you picked would’t matter anyways.

My suggestions for Riot would be:

  1. Increase base ad and add growth on her to make her slightly do more damage early on to help roam.Her cs in lane is also very painful compared to other adcs.
  2. Buff kraken slayer on ranged by a certain degree. That item’s damage lost 50% over the past year. If Riot hates seeing quinn with profane hydra that much, they should at least compensate the nerfs with something.