How to find other Quakers to date?

I’m a single woman in her thirties, and have been involved in the Quaker faith for a few years. My local meeting is tiny, and mostly elderly members. None around my age are single.

I’ve tried dating people that aren’t Quakers, and I can find Christians or atheists or others where we have things in common, and some of our values align, but our beliefs are so different. That’s fine for friends, as I have those from all walks of life, but it’s very important to me to share the same religious beliefs and worldview with my partner. I want someone that also believes in God and has experienced the Light and would join me in worship and living out our values. Discuss it and encourage each other and grow on the same spiritual path. I’m tired of explaining myself or debating the existence of God or getting along on surface commonalities only. We don’t have to agree on everything in life, but I’m at the point where I’d like to share the same religion.

Unfortunately it seems like it’s a religion of 99 whole people, and only 3 of them are single, and probably far away. I’m fine with long distance as I’m open to relocating someday, but I can’t even find where to look.

Any suggestions for where I could look online? I’ve tried some dating sites/apps, but they don’t even list Quaker as a religion. I’ve searched the dating subreddits using searchwords but nada.

I’m sure there are some other meetings I could check out virtually, but that seems like a very weird thing to do to just scour groups for single men. I also don’t have much extra free time, so the typical advice of physically going to more Quaker events and networking more isn’t feasible.

So again, where are all the single Quakers at? All 4 of us.