Face it guys, GW3 is never going to happen.
I keep seeing these “speculation posts” for GW3 talking about what might be in the game. I’m sorry to say but there will never be another PVZ shooter.
EA completely disbanded the team that made the other PVZ shooters (popcap vancouver) so there is literally no one left to make the game. What’s left of popcap has been working on PVZ3 and we all see how that’s going, delays, cancellations, it’s a complete train wreck. It’s clear EA no longer sees the PvZ franchise as profitable. In fact i’d argue it’s more likely that we see Minecraft 2 and GTA 7 before we see garden warfare 3. In fact I’m almost certain GW1 and 2 servers will shut down before gw3 is made.
Now who’s to say the series might not be rebooted in say, 10+ years with a new shooter. That would be cool, but I only see it happening as a reboot, so it wouldn’t be anything like the pvz shooters we have now. I’m sorry, but some of you will be waiting for a long time.