Why would I only have random nightly bouts of PT?
Every few nights I’ll experience thumping, last night it happened again when I awoke from a bad dream. I had a dream I was running, when I awoke my heart was racing and I could hear my pulse loudly in my left ear for about 10 minutes.
Usually PT will only occur periodically for me and mostly when I’m lying down. However, when I lay on my stomach I get dizzy or off balance fairly quick. Once I stand up I can hear a constant rushing in my right ear for about a minute. However I also have ear pain in my right ear that comes and goes.
I’ve been to two ents who have suggested muscle tension but that’s for my left side. I have autophony on that side that comes on string but usually subsides after a couple days onto return a day later. I also hear a ton of “bubbling” or “popping” in my left ear when I’m being still or moving.
My biggest fear at this point is that it’ll eventually worsen with time if I can’t find a doctor to really look into it. My greatest hope is that this is all temporary and can be reduced with time. I have also suffered from high BP in the past, I’m getting it back under control, under 135/85 most of the time. But it’s weird because my BP is the lowest around 115/70 at night when I seemingly have the most issues. I also experience tinnitus in both ears that come and go paired with sharp ear pain that comes and goes. No hearing loss, no fluid or wax buildup but do have TMJ I’m experiencing on my left side.