Looking for some advice

I’m 52, and received my diagnosis 4 and a half years ago. Although rare at that age, it’s not unheard of, obviously. There is a family history for prostate cancer in my family. My father was diagnosed around the same age as myself. My biopsy came back with a gleason 6, with most samples taken, showing the cancer. As well, the position for some samples showed perineural invasion.

Of the two urologist’s I’ve seen, one advised active surveillance, monitoring my psa levels every few months. He followed up, stating a couple consecutive tests showing continued dramatic elevations would imply I need to consider either surgery or radiation.

My initial psa came back at 13.8. Since then they’ve fluctuated in the 6 range. Also as low as 4. Last one in January was in that 6 range. I often find myself unable to even think about my pc diagnosis. Avoiding the subject altogether. Even typing this out is quite the struggle for me.

I’ve had a full body scan, looking for any spreading, albeit, that was a couple years ago. Thankfully things appeared to be good. No spreading, at that point. I know I’m overdue for scheduling another follow up scan. Even doing something as simple as that is challenging. Heck, I’ve not even done all my psa tests as advised.

It wouldn’t surprise me if some reading would say I deserve the hardship that are sure to arise from constant procrastinations. Probably right.

I believe most of my fears are for the surgery. Thinking I’ll die right there on the operating table. Not to mention all the side effects from the surgery. Not being able to control my urine and or bowels. Maybe having to wear a diaper until or even if I’ll gain normal function again has me feeling so dejected. Not to mention the perineurial invasion means total removal of the nerve bundles, more than likely. Making sex all but impossible. It’s like the biggest part of my mental state tells me that living with those side effects isn’t worth living. Stupid, I know. I’m so stuck in pessimism and it really sucks. I do wanna live. I’ve 4 grown children with my first grandchild on the way. I’m hopeful that those who read this might offer me some advice. Such as online groups for men sharing information garnered from their own journey through a pc diagnosis. I do wonder and hope that maybe there are other options in curing this condition, other than surgery or radiation. I do live in BC Canada, in a city of only 80000. Seems my options are limited.

Please excuse my ignorance. I’m struggling and need help in moving forward, not stagnant, acting like if I don’t think about it, it’ll go away. Clearly, that mind set is only gonna lead me to a place I honestly don’t wanna end up being in.

Kind regards