Some questions about "Did everything go well in this study?" and study cancellations.
So I just broke 1,000 pounds on Prolific since the end of June 2022, and I am over the moon about how amazing this site is. But even after a fair amount of experience I have a few lingering questions. I learned somewhat late that a simple NOCODE is not a reason to say things "did not go well" in any given study, but to just give it a NOCODE and give the researcher a friendly and positive explanation while keeping Prolific out of it. Totally understandable now. However I often find myself saying everything went well and just addressing things like technical issues, invalid screening, or other errors directly with the researcher(s) rather than even bringing it up with Prolific at all. With cancellations of studies, a reason has to be given, though often times it seems quite benign and not really worth their time. So I of course give an honest explanation and carry on.
So what do you consider worthy of saying that things did not go well in a given study?
Also when cancelling a study, do the benign tech issues and other harmless errors wash out the more serious cancellations? (Like having to cancel because they are fishing for personal information blatantly)
May be a silly question, but I was genuinely curious. If I am circumventing Prolific unintentionally when they may want to know, then I will do so. But I also don't want to bother Prolific if it is not wanted or necessary, so I thought I would ask.
Also, Jim, you are the man!