Favourite and least favourite Primus song and or album

For me it's Antipop. Not only because it's the only one I fully listened to or that I own it physically, but because it has banger after banger after banger. As for favourite song, it's either dirty drowning man, or ballad of bodacious and least favourite being Electric Electric.

For why I love the two songs, it's because dirty drowning man is a bit dramatic and the production is really good. As for ballad of bodacious, it's because it's catchy as hell, and like a lot of songs I know by Primus, is fun to sing along to. But Electric Electric is my least favourite because it's boring and mentally draining. As someone who listens to the album all the way through, Electric Electric just wasn't that great, but the worst part is that it comes after The Antipop which is a absolute banger.