Breeze / Ghost
Yall think it’s possible for Breeze to be Ghost Father?
When you really think about it, The whole Ghost always called Kanan his brother, and how everytime Ghost talked about Breeze death to tariq it was always like a fabricated story like Ghost was hiding something, the ultimatum Ghost gave Breeze like Tariq gave Ghost , The Mystery of Ghost Father & how he died to teenage drug dealers, How Tommy & Kanan & Tasha everytime they bring up Ghost Killing Breeze the atmosphere in those scene just make it seem like Ghost was extremely morally wrong & all 3 seem to just be in disbelief bringing it up, wouldn’t be surprised if Starz and Power pull out a crazy plot twist of Breeze being Ghost Father & it came back to bite him in the ass with Tariq killing Ghost the same way Ghost Killed Breeze