My thoughts on Chapter 4!
It was Meh tbh! Im like super divided on it. Really big mixed feelings. A lot of the Villains here were wasted potential.
Nightmare Critters:
I actually always fully expected the Nightmare Critters to just be minor minion antagonists, but damn no lore or even cardboard cutouts of them. It’s just a bunch of reused Smiling Critters cutouts from chapter 3 all over Chapter 4. Really wanted to hear the voices of the Nightmare Critters. At least we did get a Baba Chops Boss Fight surprisingly.💀
A completely wasted character with wasted potential. They made such an awesome unique design for this dude and teased him like crazy making him a huge mystery only for him to only show up in the chapter for like 5 seconds and then get immediately killed off. I was really upset that we didn’t get at least a Boss Fight with Pianosaurus. What was the point of even making him in the first place.😤
I really loved Yarnaby. He looks so awesome and I’m glad he actually got a somewhat of a Boss Fight. I just wished they utilized him a lot more in this Chapter. He had more screen time than others but still wish we got to see more of him. Also his Boss Fight looks super confusing and annoying. I’m glad he got a Boss Fight but wish it wasn’t a confusing puzzle.😮💨
The Doctor:
In my opinion he is the Main Villain of this Chapter. He may not be the Final Boss but he definitely is the main villain despite what others say. I’m glad he was around a lot to taunt the player and I’m happy he actually got a Boss Fight as well. (Even though it looks like another confusing puzzle too.) I just wished his death wasn’t so abrupt and sudden. It just kind of happened. Glad he was an antagonist who taunted you a lot throughout the chapter like Mommy Long Legs.😌
Doey the Doughman:
By far my favorite character of this Chapter. In fact he was the best thing to come out of this chapter tbh. I felt so bad for him. He was such a tragic character. He was hyped up to be the Main Villain of this Chapter but to me he wasn’t the Villain. Yeah sure he was the Final Boss but he wasn’t the Main Villain here. He was just a poor broken soul who just wanted to protect his friends. Really love his normal design and his monster design too. His animations were also super charming and lively too. He had an awesome Boss Fight too. Still even so just watching his Boss Fight really hurt me. Ngl I actually teared up watching his heartbreaking death. Doey didn’t deserve this shit he got. The fact that he could’ve left the factory easily but decided to stay behind just to protect and watch over the other toys was super honorable. Doey was not a psychotic villain like all the other Villains from the previous chapters. Doey was a Broken Hero who deserved better. Rest in Peace Doey the Doughman. You’re a true hero in my eyes.😢👍
Overall Game Itself:
It was meh I guess. Way too many confusing puzzles for my liking. Looks super glitchy and felt rushed as hell. I hope Kissy is still alive and well even though she lost an arm and I still can’t believe Huggy is back again. I’m both surprised and not surprised at the same time. I really hope Chapter 5 is the final chapter cuz I just want this game to end and see the Prototype die already. Was hoping to see his design here but guess we’ll have to wait next chapter.