The Ultimate Polin Pandemonium Tournament (Season 2, Round 3) - Waste of a trip!

Like Colin, we are indeed looking to the future… so hearing about Colin’s visit to Marina? NOPE. WASTE OF A TRIP, COLIN! We’re leaving it in the past where it belongs.

No surprises here.

However, our friend u/AsgardianLeviOsa did share this amusing perspective: “You know one of the reasons I don’t hate this scene as much as I should on principle is because they look so good standing on that staircase together. Look the season 2 costuming put me through the wringer with both Pen and Colin, okay?”

😂 As someone who still hasn’t got over the Season 2 costuming war crime that was those bows in the “You are Pen” scene, I feel seen. Heard. Validated. (Though I know some of you hate Pen’s look at the race even more.)

But moving on! We’re two scenes down with 14 still ahead of us! It hasn’t been too difficult so far, and I think we have a few more rounds of low hanging fruit left. Head to the comments for the voting link!