[WTS] Cranky Mailman here, so GOLD GIVEAWAY, and silver deals


I was about to go Live!, my first live stream, spent forever setting things up. Spent FOREVER trying to figure out this "randomizer/wheel spin" feature I've seen a hundred times. I figure this type of format is easier (gives me something to do) rather than trying to talk the whole time. Turns out I need an Iphone, I have Android. Ohh the mailman was getting Frustrated!

I've spent a month making different size Items that I thought would work in a stream. And I had some sweet Prizes ready. It didn't work out, so now I'm giving the Gold Grogu Away Here. (8.4 grams of 10K) melt is around $320. The Gold Grogu is Buyers Giveaway (I don't care if I sell 2 items someones getting the gold). I'll Give Away a Silver Grogu to anyone else that wants to Enter (Enter by replying to my Silver giveaway comment below)

Now the Deals

925 silver

  1. 11-13 gram Pours $50 $40 each or 2 for $60
  2. 18-23 gram Pew Pew $90 $65 each or 2 for $120
  3. 21-24 gram Shoes $90 $65 each or 2 for $120
  4. 22-24 gram Helmets and Hats $90 $80 each
  5. 34-40 gram VEHICLES $120 $100 each

999 silver

  1. 110 gram 999 ATST $300 $225
  2. 28-34 grams 999 Lego $110 $95

999 Copper

  1. 45 gram Scorpion Evo $50
  2. 80 gram Xwing $50
  3. 144 gram ATST CHUNKER $100
  4. 31 gram Mailtruck $25

Slighty OFF Silver pours, still SWEET, 50%+ OFF here

Winners will be drawn via redditraffler in 48 hours

Thanks for Looking. Venmo / Cashapp preferred. paypal add 2%. Add $5 for Shipping. Addition Photos available upon request. Open to Negotiations on multiple items.

I need a nap