You retards blew it

You just couldn't help commenting, "See you on the other sub" and, "pleb" on r/AR15. You dimwits act like this was some white glove establishment and now your negligence has led to this place being a normie hellscape. We have retards crying about "abusive mods." Simpletons and yokels thinking that color fill and mounted carry handles aren't cringe. And most importantly, you new they/thems DON'T UNDERSTAND THE RULES.

Poor = Pleb. Also cope. Earn some real income you bum. Sorry, "unhoused"

Gucci Hypeshit = Pleb. Richfags aren't people. Wow your railscales sure are neat.

Themed Guns = Pleb. Anime fucking sucks dude.

Renters = Unwashed commoner scum. Nice Super Duty that you financed on Credova. BUY LAND you fucking cretin. Ooooh I'm gonna CONSOOM!

Can't wait for the copium brewed up in the comments. Please leave.