CaitVi and the Measure of Love
Well this is loaded AF and stemming from the recent or not so recent talk of whether Caitlyn or Vi loves each other more or less etc. This was a response but I was too lazy to break it down so post it is.
Let's get ready to Ramble!!!!!!!!!! 😂 😭
The thing that gets missed is Vi & Caitlyn both absolutely love each other regardless of who got there first or who fell terms of love they are in the same pot. However, both had to learn two different lessons in love due to the circumstances around them as well as their own personality. Caitlyn had to learn that she can very well love Vi and do all these things for her whether to listen, protect, encourage or even follow etc., BUT she has to strike a balance to protect herself. Walk with me...
As Caitlyn fell first w/o restriction she had more time to lose herself in Vi. This isn't a bad thing as it could be as she opens her eyes to Vi's world,pain and trauma. All these things she was ignorant of but more importantly, in losing herself in VI she finds someone that is simply worth it. With her mother's death by the hands of Vi's sister who tormented her, she still actively places Vi on a pedestal because Vi is worth it and doesn't blame Vi's for what happened because it would ruin her bubble of her idolized view of Vi and the fight Cait has in not vocalizing that her mother's death is her fault. She knows Jinx did it but her mantra is never "Jinx killed my mother." but always "I had the shot." She held back the shot for Vi. So love( Cait's love for VI/Vi's love for her sister) has caused her to inadvertently sacrifice love(her mother).
Still, she chooses what she knows and her idolization of Vi to keep the woman close and though some stumbling (The Badge), intentions are pure and from a place of love & they still find their way back.Strike Team. This is important for CaitVi because Caitlyn is trying to find a solution, apologizes for the badge, and admitting her borderline suicidal thoughts in that she is at peace with dying if she goes after Jinx. Vi meets her halfway understanding Caits grief/dilemma but doesn't know or wants to truly see just how deep because Caitlyn is hiding it well, Vi's own idolization of Cait, she loves her too, & does not want any harm to come to her much less death.Vi hears her cry for help & this time doesn't run away or say biting words.
We will get into Vi properly but for this particular moment, Vi sheds her own PTSD to help with the conflict & because I will never stop glazing Vi's love for Caitlyn that gets downplayed so much...Vi becomes an enforcer to protect Caitlyn and because she loves her. Keep in mind, she nearly saw this woman get choked to death and stand in place while a machine was barreling towards her. VI is no longer pretending that she doesn't love or want to love Caitlyn and the thought of losing Caitlyn is terrifying. Caitlyn is already at this place regarding Vi so the entire sequence in the temple fight is where Caitlyn goes into panic mode due to her own trauma because Vi nearly died in front of her & would've if she had been seconds slower than Isha.Culminating to where they exchange hurtful words throwing in eo's face the very things that have made them fall in love: their capacity to love and protect eo. Vi didn't make Caitlyn feel safe hence her clutching her rifle so tightly instead of holding on to Vi & Caitlyn didn't make Vi feel safe as she hit her. It's a mess but they both react, understanding their faults, no love lost but also by switching roles:
Caitlyn who would usually be the one standing hurt staring after Vi is now the one hiding behind her guilt/shame and walking away unable to meet Vi's eyes. Vi who would usually mask her pain and longing behind biting words while walking away is the one left staring and silently pleading for Caitlyn to stay.
This is where lessons come into play as Caitlyn thru Ambessa gets that clarity despite the manipulation to wrangle her emotions in place. Ambessa repurposes Caitlyns anger/shame/ guilt/love to a place that is sharpened as she herself has harderened her own heart towards her children. Under the principals of Noxus, Cait learns to shield herself and her heart in order to protect herself from what happened happening again. Vi is her weakness and has the power to lift her up and crash her down because Cait loves her so much. She loses herself in Vi & needs balance to what can and cannot hurt her esp when it comes to Vi. The person who has her heart. she proves this when reunited, falling into old habits, the betrayal of Vi lying by omission about Jinx, nearly losing Vi again,and ultimately choosing what is allowed to hurt her by letting Jinx go and possibly lose Vi as well. Caitlyn has learned her lesson too well that she dances in this realm by asking Vi "Are you still in this fight Violet?" because her fear is losing Vi but She can and will make peace with Vi choosing to leave. "If you love something let it go and if it comes back..."
Vi is conflicted w/ her emotions and Jinx, her love for Caitlyn suffers because Vi doesn't have the stability which was Vander and Caitlyn. She loses both and the result is devastating. Vi's lesson is arguably more straightforward than but no less painful. VI spent so long denying herself the right to happiness and Vander parentifying her but has a new light of love in the romantic form in Caitlyn. Vi is attracted though Cait falls first & admits her attraction even when being manipulative. Still, the moment Caitlyn opened that cell to truly free her...not come in and abuse while also giving hope that her sister is alive, will always place Caitlyn on a pedestal in Vi's eyes. Cait continues breaking down walls Vi had in place for someone like Caitlyn: a Piltie and an enforcer. 2 things Vi has severe PTSD and resentment towards but this woman keeps barreling through with her innocence, ignorance, determination and heart.
Vi fought a hard losing battle when it came to falling in love with Cait. Cassandras death being due to Cait holding back the shot, Vi throws weight behind protecting Caitlyn. Imo Caitlyn has always been Vi's choice as she had no obligations instilled in her as she did for Jinx. That's her sister. Blood. Caitlyn is something that's just for her and Vi keeps getting sips by gentle touches, caresses, hugs, and wiping away Cait's tears until she gets a taste in a first kiss. Caitlyn is what she wants but she has a sister she wants to save and protect as well.
The conflict isn't in her having to choose as Caitlyn doesn't ask Vi to choose the way Jinx demands it: Kill Cait to get Powder back. Cait holds back and gets tugged along by Vi's indecision because this is the game between the two sisters even though this battle is also Jinx and Caitlyns. Jinx wants Vi to choose her or both Vi and Cait gotta go. Vi in her anger chooses to let Cait and herself take out Jinx but gets a flicker of hope again to spare her. Caitlyn chooses whatever Vi wants with and without prompt until she reaches her limit.
Either way, Vi loses just as the other two lost but the new layer of pain and grief that haunts her on top of her past is the raw fresh wound of lost love. VI doesn't know how to react to Caitlyns hurting and leaving her as she can only hold herself and cry when if it had been any one else, she would've reacted much worse. But Caitlyn is not anyone else and again, she idolizes and has Caitlyn on a pedestal and even in this moment, she refuses to take her down. This is proven by her montage where the only thing she hallucinates and fantasizes about is Caitlyn happy and with her and absolving her of guilt. This last image is what lulls her to sleep. Vi's lesson here is the old time one of "you don't know what you have until it is gone." This time she didn't have control of the separation, the biting words or the power to walk away because she didn't want to. She was forced in this position by Caitlyn who was also forced in hers. Still, they both suffer in it without resenting or hating each other. That's the tragic beauty in it.
They continue this behavior upon reuniting and their lessons and love put to the test with the roles still reversed where Caitlyn swallows her love because of her guilt in hurting Vi but still follows her heart/weakness and helps Vi without question while Vi can't help but stare after Caitlyn and keep close to her w/o fear not throwing the breakup in Cait's face but she trusts Cait w/ everything...but Jinx. Same cycle and they pull through from the lessons they needed. Cait doesn't react aggressively towards Jinx even though she should and could because this is not going to have power over her any more and Vi does not hide that Caitlyn is part of the plan, Jinx will not like it and VI doesn't care, and she makes sure Ambessa knows "Yes I am that bitch who captured Caitlyns heart. She is not yours. She has and will always be mine." That last part for Vi is all fun and giggles but because Caitlyn keeps her word to save her father (another notch on Cait's pedestal), shows her concern for Vi as Vi thinks and ask for Caitlyn first, that she has not gone after Jinx, and finally revealing that she let Jinx go...VI stands ten toes down on her decision to fully accept being the one to have Caitlyn's heart and all that entails. "I'm the dirt under your nails, nothing's gonna clean me out."
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