App devlopment feedback for PiBnB

Hello everyone, I said some time ago i am going to create a utility app for Pi Network and i started a week ago. So far, this is what i got for features:

Non-Authenticated users: - Main screen showing available listings and filters. - Ability to view a listing's details - access to privacy policy and TOS

Authenticated users: - Main page showing available listings and filters - Profile menu what shows current bookings they made for listings - Ability to create listings

I have attached a few images so you can see how it looks.

I have a lot more to do, but i just wanted some feedback from you guys. Would any of you use this app if i actually finish it and get it to work on main net?

Note: right now it is a private app for me to test while in development, but once i have an MVP i will post here again and ask you guys to test it in Testnet environment before launching it on mainnet.