Question about KYC validation

I turn 18 in two weeks and took a look at the KYC application just to see what I’ll need. In the first step, I entered my birthday and it said I needed to wait- okay, fair enough. I changed my birth month to one earlier just to see the next parts of the form.

It seems as though I cannot go back to change this. When I enter my license in two weeks and enter the correct information, will my aforementioned date affect this?

I have 225 days left to verify, so time isn’t an issue. I’m not sure what validators see on their end.

I helped a friend with his mainnet checklist and entered his real birthday into the KYC form so that his timer will freeze- and it did. However, we aren’t in the same boat as he has over a year until he turns 18.

Should I be worried about my KYC application? I have 500 pi immediately transferable, and over 1000 unverified ATM. My rate is 0.1 pi/hr and I’m running a node with open ports and the api for a large personal reward bonus. It would really suck to be stuck in limbo for something trivial like this. Like everyone else, I’ve put in years of daily commitment to the Pi Network.

Thank you for any insight you may have